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  • The European consumer test organization Euro NCAP has for the first time ever assessed the safety of heavy-duty trucks. Volvos’ best-selling models, the Volvo FH and the Volvo FM, both received the top rating of five stars. The Volvo FM also had the best overall test result among all tested trucks.

  • Promoting solutions for reducing CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles

  • 繁忙的交通情況每天都對相對弱勢的道路使用者構成安全風險。正因如此,Volvo卡車新推出了2項安全系統,專注於保護行人和自行車騎士。

  • Volvo正在增加卡車中低二氧化碳排放鋼材的使用。這種鋼材是使用回收材料和無化石能源生產的,並將於明年開始在數以萬計的Volvo卡車中使用。

  • 單次充電可行駛最多600公里。這就是Volvo下一代重型電動卡車的行駛範圍。 更長的續航里程代表著長途運輸領域在零排放方面的一項突破。

  • Volvo Trucks continues to introduce new services for charging of electric trucks. The latest – Charging Management – is a service that allows for efficient charging at the home-depot.

  • Volvo Trucks and global logistics company DSV have signed a cooperation agreement for 300 electric heavy trucks. The deal is one of the largest commercial orders to date for Volvo electric trucks. With the order, DSV will have one of the largest company fleets of heavy electric trucks in Europe.

  • 在Volvo卡車史上最大筆的訂單之一,義大利運輸物流公司-Lannutti集團訂購了1500輛Volvo FH Aero卡車,以更公司的長途卡車車隊。

  • Volvo卡車在2024 IAA展會上的陣容將充分展示Volvo致力於實現交通運輸去碳化和防止事故的決心。Volvo將展示配備電池電力驅動系統、燃料電池和可再生燃料內燃機的卡車——這是一種使今日和未來交通運輸可持續發展的策略。

  • Volvo’s electric trucks have driven more than 80 million kilometers or 2,000 laps around the world since Volvo launched its first electric truck models in 2019. These trucks have reduced CO2 emissions and at the same time improved the working environment for drivers significantly.

  • The new Volvo FH16 is Europe’s most powerful truck but also a very fuel efficient one – and it can run on 100% renewable fuels. On-road tests confirm that the all-new engine in the FH16 achieves 5% better fuel economy and lower emissions while adding 7% more torque - a combination that increases efficiency and productivity for the most demanding transport tasks.

  • Press release


    Volvo to launch hydrogen-powered trucks

    Volvo Trucks is developing trucks with combustion engines that run on hydrogen. On-road tests with trucks using hydrogen in combustion engines will begin in 2026, and the commercial launch is planned towards the end of this decade. Trucks that run on green hydrogen provide a significant step to Volvo achieving its net zero goal and supporting customers to reach their decarbonization targets.

  • A full range of new Volvo truck models can now be powered by 100% biodiesel, offering another renewable fuel choice for customers looking to reduce CO2 emissions from transport here and now.

  • 啟動綠色運輸,減少水泥產品範疇三碳排 Volvo Trucks非常榮幸地宣布,與台灣通運共同創造歷史新章,台灣通運率先購入首輛Volvo電動曳引車,於今(18)日舉辦的「低碳EV綠色運輸啟動儀式」這場盛會中,進行Volvo重卡的交車儀式,宣告台泥將成為國內第一家使用電動曳引車運送水泥的公司,標誌著邁向低碳運輸的重要里程。台灣通運董事長辜公怡、台泥總經理程耀輝、Volvo Trucks銷售及營銷副總裁Johan Selvén及太古汽車集團行政總裁佟德望、太古商用車總監陳偉忠皆親臨現場,表達對此次合作的極度重視。全新設計、未來載運台泥散裝低碳水泥的電動曳引車與槽桶也首度亮相。

  • Volvo launches its first truck model ever developed only with electric drive. With capacity for heavy loads and excellent visibility for the driver, FM Low Entry is an electric truck optimized for safe and efficient driving in city areas.

  • Volvo Trucks is introducing a new engine for its iconic FH16 truck. With up to 780 Hp and 3800 Nm, the new 17-litre engine can handle the toughest transport assignments with ease, while delivering outstanding fuel efficiency and durability. The new engine is certified to run on biofuels.

  • Volvo’s range of heavy-duty trucks – the Volvo FH, FM and FMX models – are being upgraded with new technologies and the latest in camera monitoring for even better efficiency, safety and productivity for demanding businesses.

  • Volvo Trucks has unveiled an all-new heavy-duty truck platform for the North American market in parallel to a new heavy-duty truck range for Europe, Australia and markets in Asia and Africa. New energy efficient models – including trucks running on electricity and renewable fuels – will reduce CO2 emissions and take the company closer to the target of having a net-zero emission product range by year 2040.

  • Volvo Trucks的標誌性FH卡車系列迎來了新的家庭成員——Volvo FH Aero。憑藉空氣動力學設計和創新功能,FH Aero在能源效率方面達到了新水平,提供四種動力來源,包括生物燃料和備受肯定的電動版本。

  • Volvo Trucks has scooped the prestigious industry award for its Volvo FH Electric. It’s the first time ever that an electric truck wins the award.

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